Heather Smith Photography's Fan Box

Friday, October 30

Trick Or Treat!!!!

So last night was Trick or Treat and my husband and I took our 2.5 year old son!! It was his first time going anywhere other than a family members house!! And this year he was old enough to really enjoy it!!! We took him to about 10 houses and the Pinch Volunteer Fire Department then to visit family and friends! He had the best time!! I didn't get too many pictures because I was also juggling the video camera but I HAD to share a few pictures!!
*While we were at the fire station they got a call so Landon got to see the firetrucks go out with their lights on and all so that was a HUGE bonus* you can visit their website here:: http://www.pinchfire.com/ and be sure to check out their halloween post - my little cowboy is on there!!
Heather Smith Photography
Heather Smith PhotographyHeather Smith Photography
Heather Smith PhotographyHeather Smith Photography
Heather Smith Photography
Heather Smith Photography

1 comment:

  1. A couple of the pics didn't load but the ones that did are suuuuper cuuuuuuuute!!!!
    Glad ya'll had fun trick-or-treating =))) We did too! Cole really got it this year and enjoyed it! Brody just sat in the stroller and checked everything out! The weather was perfect huh! Such fun being a family =)))


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