Heather Smith Photography's Fan Box

Saturday, October 24

Lost in Kenna

So I had this session today in Kenna (which I'm not familiar with at all), everything went pretty smoothly. I made it there without to big of a problem, had a great session with these 3 adorable kiddos in their grandparents beautiful home. Did I mention how adorable these kids are?! The little boy, "I" has no front teeth :) The oldest little girl, "Miss. B" has red hair and freckles and baby girl "S" is the happiest baby I've EVER met! All 3 so sweet and pretty as a picture! Oh and I also got to use one of my new baby props :) The panda!!! Anyhow, everything went wonderfully. As I'm leaving, the grandpa asks If I'll be able to make it out ok and of course my reply is "Yes, I have directions!" Little did I know that I would still get lost, 10 miles out the wrong, unpaved, gravel road with not enough Cell phone reception to make a call!! As I was scared to death I realized my iphone had JUST enough service to pick up my GPS!!! So I used google maps and got the heck outta there! It was the scariest 20 mins of my life! LoL . . . Funny now. . .terrifying then! But I just had to share my little story with the family!!!! Check out the pics!!!
Mommy - have 10 friends or family comment on your sneak peek and get a free 5x7 of your choice!! :)
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Heather Smith PhotographyHeather Smith Photography
Heather Smith Photography


  1. WOW! Great Pics! Those girls are Precious!

  2. You are right she's one of the happiest babies you will ever have the opp to photo. Great photos Heather! We are a little partial to the kids too!

  3. These are amazing photos!! They really capture these beautiful children!!

  4. Beautiful photos of three precious children, but I am a little bit biased.

  5. love the pics! Such beautiful babies!

  6. Those are great pictures! I love the one of "S" in the panda hat, and of "B" and "S" on the bed . . . sooo sweet!

  7. What great pictures! M, you have beautiful little girls!!

  8. I saw where you needed one more comment for a free picture, so I hope this gets it for you!


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