Heather Smith Photography's Fan Box

Thursday, September 2

Finally The Beach Sessions SNEAK!

So, I'm finally just getting to be able to put up the Sneak from My Myrtle Beach sessions! This was the first time I've ever taken sessions on vacation, and I must say, it was awesome! Not everyone signed a release form, so these are the only families that I could share, so guys - Enjoy your sneak peek!! I still have one session to finish that was PRE VACATION then I get to really start proofing yours! I also added a few pictures of my own family! I LOVE beach pictures. Not just pictures ON the beach, but pictures AT the beach! In the beach house, the pier, etc! I just wanted to offer my clients exactly what I do for my own family every year without them having to pay the Myrtle Beach Photographer's price!! I hope everyone likes the sneak!!!
Heather Smith Photography
Heather Smith PhotographyHeather Smith Photography
Heather Smith Photography
Heather Smith P{hotographyHeather Smith Photography
Heather Smith Photography
Heather Smith Photography
Heather Smith Photography
Heather Smith PhotographyHeather Smith Photography
Heather Smith Photography
Heather Smith Photography
Heather Smith Photography
Heather Smith Phtogoraphy
Heather Smith Photography
Heather Smith PhotographyHeather Smith Photography
Heather Smith Photography
Heather Smith Photography
Heather Smith PhotographyHeather Smith Photography
Heather Smith Photography


  1. Heather your family is beautiful. I love the beach pics. I must say my favorite is the pouty little girl.

  2. All of the beach pictures are so nice!!!
    I looooooove the 1st of of the Smith family =)


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