Heather Smith Photography's Fan Box

Monday, August 2

Mamarazzi Academy Photography Workshop

We had our very first Mamarazzi Academy Photography Workshop on July 31 from 4-7pm! Because this was my very first time teaching a photography class I focused more on teaching and VERY little on taking pictures of the class, so bare with me as I only got a few! The class was a complete and total success and I CANNOT wait to have another one! This was VERY exciting! I had a great time with all you ladies! We got to eat some pretty yummy food, talk, share stories, pictures and most importantly, learn how to take better photographs!! It was unfortunately rainy the entire evening so we weren't able to do lighting demonstrations off the porch, but I still think all my students understand how important lighting is and will really be able to easily find great light no matter what, to take some great shots!! Each Student received a goodie bag and inside each one was, an AWESOME photography book, a gift certificate for a session with me for $75, A coupon good for free shipping from mpix.com, a set of paper samples from mpix and a brochure from MOD!!! As if the goodie bags weren't awesome enough - I also gave out 4 door prizes!! A book - Digital photography for dummies (although there was not ONE dummy in my class!) a kodak point and shoot camera bag, a designer camera strap from http://www.modismodern.com/, and a FREE 16x24 Mounted print from http://www.mpix.com/!!!
So we had a great class, with awesome goodie bags and even better door prizes!! I can't wait to see everyone's future snapshots! PLEASE share them with me!! Just upload them on Facebook, use mamarazzi for the caption and tag me in it! It will automatically go into the fan photo section! Thanks to everyone that participated and a very special THANK YOU to Alicia at Mpix.com for all her help with the goodies that my students received! AND another THANK YOU to Andrea Wise at MODISMODERN.COM for the Designer Camera Strap! They have some great items for point and shoots and DSLR cameras!
Ok sooo here's a few photos!! Everyone - I'm planning another mamarazzi academy workshop this Winter - so please message me if you're interested in attending!!!


  1. Wow, such wonderful pictures!! I wondered who the lady with the camera was and now I know, I thought you were a friend of Cara's, but now know that you have the eye for a wonderful picture. The one's you've posted are absolutely beautiful. BTW, I'm Cara's Aunt Nancy and it's just awesome that you caught these special moments that I've previewed, thank you Heather and thank you Cara, I can't wait to see the rest!

  2. I hope you have another workshop! I need help:)
    Love your photos!!

  3. Count me in on the winter session. I have a cousin interested too, so you'll have at least two more to add to the next class. No sense in paying that much for my camera not to use it to it's full potential!!!


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