Heather Smith Photography's Fan Box

Sunday, June 20

To my Husband on Father's Day -

My husband had never changed a diaper or cared for a baby. He'd never been spitup on, been awakened in the middle of the night by a crying baby. He'd never been peed on or worse, pooped on. He had also never felt the connection to such a tiny being, or felt the instant, "I'd die for you in a heartbeat", kind of love by just looking into the eyes of his child. March 7, 2007 changed all of that. My husband, my best friend, my protector, my provider, my, "I don't want kids til I'm 30", husband became a father. The husband that I had married 4.5 years before that, at only 15 and 18. The one who rubbed my back for 7.5 hours of labor, the ones who dresed head to toe in scrubs, for my c-section, The one whose eyes became full of tears when he caught his first glimpse of his son. The one whose heart became instantly changed the moment he held his newborn son. On March 7, 2007, my husband became a DAD. I say dad, because anyone can be a father, but dad's are different. Landon's dad woke up in the middle of the night to console his crying, to feed or change him. When his son could not sleep, he layed him on his chest so he could rest, even if it kept daddy up all night. He's cuddled and played and nurtured his son. He's cared for him, helped teach him to crawl, to share, to use the potty. He's only three, but in these short three years, my husband has proved to be a phenominal daddy. These two are partner's in crime and two peas in a pod!

So to my husband, I want to say -

Happy 4th Father's Day!

You're not just a father. You're a DAD. I could have never imagined you to be such a loving, caring, hands on dad. You're so much better than I could have imagined. Seeing you with our son, makes my smile. This is all I've ever wanted my whole life and I know God placed us to be together. He meant for you to be Landon's daddy, because he knew you'd be the best. I love you dearly and cannot explain in words what being your wife and mother to your child means to me. We are so blessed!
Heather Smith Photography
Heather Smith Photography

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