I hope everyone had a rockin' Christmas!! I know we're just now getting things put away and cleaned up and finally starting to return phone calls and emails! (Thanks for being patient!) But I wanted to tell you guys how our Christmas went!! You guys know, I'm not just a business woman and stay at home mom. I like to really get to know you guys and for you all to get to know me!! So at the end of this Blog- If you are up for telling me your christmas story in a comment - I'd LOOOVE to hear it!!
So, our Christmas craziness started Christmas Eve (afternoon) in which we spent with my parents! Opening gifts and eating warm brownies (yumm!). . .and of course some family holiday drama brought on by my little brother,which seems to be impossible to miss these days! He's a teenager! Buuut anyhow - Thanks to my mom and me, my stepdad can now see approx 3 feet into a tiny tube in about any part of a car (engine, etc.) which, I think completely made his day! I don't even remember what it's called but we got it from amazon.com and it's an awesome gift for a mechanic!! My mom now has skinny jeans and a gold bracelet from Premier Designs (please contact my distributor Lori Holbert at 304.552.7886 for more info!) (from me and hubby)that go amazing with her new boots (courtesy of my stepdad) and YES, I just said my mom is wearing skinny jeans - She's a HOT grandma!! By the end of the evening - Landon was rolling with a new Diego Dinosaur world thing, LoL and Hubby and I would now smell like David and Victoria Beckham and have new frames for our pictures!!
Then we took our already exhausted 2 year old to his Mo and pop pops house (my inlaws) where he and his 2 year old cousin opened gifts! They fought over toys and who's presents were who's! It's amazing what all two 2 year olds can throw fits over! Needless to say - My child went home with a new dino tent - Spike the dinosaur and a dime sized impression of his cousins teeth on his arm! Apparently, two years olds can get pretty down and dirty when it comes to fighting!
But - despite the crazy day - my son was actually excited about GIVING gifts! Which melts my heart because we didn't have much growing up and now I find my self overindulging my son because of that. But it's good to know that when mommy explains to be "thankful for what you have" and that it's "better to give than receive", he hears me!! So we get home and my husband is getting Landon ready for bed while I change and make a phone call and I come out of the bedroom to my son telling me, "Jesus makes Christmas Special, mommy!" . . . .And I tear up!!! Ahhh, daddy told him the TRUE meaning of Christmas! They're both the best! So we get Oreos out and mix chocolate milk and write Santa a letter in hopes that he will bring the gifts Landon has been asking for, for a few months!!
Fast Forward to 9:15AM Christmas morning and my son awakes to see that Santa had come and ate all the cookies and drank the milk - and turns to find there's many presents under the tree waiting for him!!! I thought for sure, he'd run straight to the big ones but he DIDN'T! He opened all the smaller gifts first and the three larger ones last!! He was so surprised when he opened his "BIG T-REX, THIIIIIIS (arms as wide as possible) BIG!" and his new "CHOO CHOO TRAIN TABLE!!" AND yes, That pic with mommy and Landon, that is his new diego ditial camera!!! He's taking after his mommy!! This Christmas was Landon's first year really into the whole Christmas spirit!! Bight eyed over santa and cookies and presents! Kids. That's what makes Christmas!!! I got hubby his running gear he wanted and he got me the Wii active game which I had been wanting for a couple months, along with pearl earrings and a couple other goodies!! We're both going big on this health kick! Hopefully it lasts!! We then headed to Landon's Great-Grandpa Smiths for dinner and gifts with that part of the family. By that point the kiddos were crying because they hadn't had naps and were up late the night before sooooo, we didn't exactly get what you'd call "That PERFECT shot" with the cousins and their great Grandpa! But in the end - it all worked out!!
So, we may have not been in our new home for this Christmas (hopefully only another month) but we have so many things to be thankful for! God has blessed our family with love, hope, faith, food to eat and a roof over our heads!
I hope each and every one of you had a special, magical Christmas of you own!! Family and Friends are what makes Christmas, not the money or gifts!
"Glory to God in the highest, and on Earth peace, goodwill toward men!" Luke 2:14
{The Snow pics were taken a couple days before Christmas but were so awesome I just had to post!! }
Remember- Please Feel free to tell me about your Chrsitmas!!
oh and I forgot to mention me and hubby staying up til 3AM Christmas eve putting together his train table!! Actually I guess Hubby was putting it together and I was facebooking about it! LoL!!